Jai, India

Jai is a village situated in Machra Mandal of Meerut District in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located 9.705 km distance from Machhra, and lies south east of the district headquarters at Meerut approximately 14.91 kilometres. According to the 1981 Census, the population was 3,464. The area extends 382.04 hectares. This is a predominantly Muslim village, mainly Muslim Rajput, with a Dalit minority.

Villages near by include Nagla Shahu ( 0.7 km ) , Lutfullapur Baksar ( 1.4 km ) , Rukanpur ( 1.7 km ) , Morna ( 1.9 km ) , Sial ( 2.3 km ) , Shah Kulipur ( 3.2 km ) and Pachpera ( 3.3 km ).[1]

See also
